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Trauma Therapy – Peter Gündling

Individual Sessions


  • Developmental and complex Trauma
  • Shock trauma (PDST)
  • Overwhelming emotions
  • Burnout
  • Hyperactivity
  • Depression

Way of Working:

  • Somatic Experiencing
  • Integral Somatic Psychology
  • Inner constellation – integrating all parts of our personality
  • Mindfulness and emotional intelligence
  • Conciouss Dance


Nachtegaalstraat 7, 3582 Beringen (B) or online

Cost :

70 Euro for a 1 hour session

Couple sessions

Facilitating and nurturing a WE-Relationship

Strengthening and revitalizing a WE in your relationship by:

  • looking at your story, how you got to know each other and reconnect with that fire
  • exploring your couple credo, values and future aspirations
  • improving your couple resources on an intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual level
  • facilitating presence, seeing each other and holding space for each other in the here and now
  • deepening connection on a heart level, being with each other in vulnerability and pureness
  • developing your couple communication from a WE perspective

Building Bridges to manage difficult times

Supporting couples in creating safety, respectful communication and dealing with triggers by:

  • developing a common ground and hope for the future
  • assessing the current situation on an intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual level
  • applying respectful and emphatic communication skills
  • setting and respecting borders, saying no clearly
  • balancing the impact of past impacts on the relationship, i.e. traumatic experiences or emotional set backs
  • dealing with future worries i.e. jealousy or fear of abandonment
  • balancing tolerance, acceptance and agreeing on a mutual way forward

Location: Beringen (B), Schweinfurt (D) or online

Way of Working:

  • Somatic Experiencing
  • Integral Somatic Psychology
  • Godman – Relationship Theory inspired
  • Mindfulness and emotional intelligence


Beringen (B), Schweinfurt (D) or online


  • 3-5 sessions for facilitating and nurturing a WE-relationship
  • 5-10 sessions for building bridges and managing difficult times

Cost :

100 Euro for a 75-min couple session


Language: German and English

Trauma Therapy with:

Peter Gündling, Practitioner for Somatic Experiencing and Integral Somatic Psychology

Dates only by arrangemet after an intake phone call.


Mobile +49 172 664 0637
Email info@peterguendling.de

Location: Nachtegallstraat 7, 3582 Beringen or Online via Zoom

Opening Hours:
Monay 9:30 am–5:30 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am–6:30 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am–6:30 pm
Thursday 9:30 am–6:30 pm
Friday 9:30 am–5:30 pm
Saturday 9:30 am–12:30 pm

Dates only by arrangemet after an intake phone call.
Mobile +49 172 664 0637 / Email info@peterguendling.de